Paddling the Jordan River
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   A few bends down stream we found the perfect spot to dine and relax for a few. Once the canoe was on shore I used a paraffin fire starter and some dead branches found around, and soon we had a nice bed of hot coals glowing for the dogs we were about to roast.
   The small point was nice and grassy and Neila quite enjoyed the cool water as she strolled the sandy shallows of the river. The sun was straight over head at this time and with temps in the high 80's the heat made the icy cold flow bearable for a few minuets. However after diving head first into a pool I would not recommend it for someone with a weak heart!
   Well fed and back on the river we took it a little slower as we all ate one to many hot dogs.
   It was late July and the warm weather for the past few weeks had all the wild flowers parading in full dress throughout the fields and around the banks. The water had slowed and was so clean the reflection of the flowers seemed to be on the rivers bottom. It also made it easy to see that Neila may be drifting into trouble, in the shape of a large log just peaking inches above the water. I figured she would feel it soon enough and there was no need to spoil the mood just yet.
   Before you reach Webster Bridge you pass by what's left of an old wood bridge, shown to the left and below. This is one of the prettiest spots along the river.
   I enjoyed the view as I made sure everyone in our group was with us on the water.

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