After our stop in L'anse we headed north then west on Skanee Road.
Just past McComb Corner we stopped at Big Eric's Bridge State Forest
Campground on the banks of the Huron River. It's a beautiful spot
where a series of small waterfalls with sparkling water cascade
over bronze rocks and small cliffs. A long time ago earth quakes
fractured the ground throughout the western U.P. leaving hundreds of
waterfalls. There are five waterfalls within a mile or so of this one.
After walking through the cool water in my hot boots we headed south
on Eric Road to find forty Foot Falls.
As we crossed over into Marquette County Eric turns into
Northwestern Road. About 1 mile east of the county line we found
a two track following the Cliff River. Riding north for about two miles
we came across the falls. I could tell because on a rock someone had written
"No Fish Falls". Here there were a few pots and pans hanging on a tree, along with
a grill and fire pit. There was a path along the river bank with a great view
of the cascading water. It was a series of drops strung together for about
50 yards dropping, oh I would say, forty feet? After relaxing by the banks
and taking a few photos it was getting time to head back for the day.
We would have to come back another time to see the rest of the local falls.
Great ride today. By the time we hit Michigamme we had covered a 130 mile loop.
I only wish the days were longer!