Paddling the
Jordan River

By The Castmaster

      Sandy Moore,   Jerry Russell,   Neila Bonter

   As we waited
on the porch of the Jordan Valley Outfitters for the next shuttle, we took in the view of Lake Charlevoix and discussed our options. We had planed to try some kayaks out on the lake but the wind has been blowing hard all day and was kicking up the surf. I don't mind the waves but the girls had never been in a kayak and had very limited paddling experience. We turned our thoughts to going down the Jordan River where we would be free of the wind and surf but brought us to the fast river current and beginners. Although Neila was thinking raft, we finally talked her into a sea-kayak and a good life jacket.
    Mark Sorvari
   In the meanwhile Mark and Lois had already decided on a old town canoe for the trip. Lois has had no experience at all and likes to take most of the house with her when she goes somewhere. So we loaded up the canoe with the cooler, fishing gear, some camera equipment, and of coarse make-up and a change of clothes for all. I finished the job by making sure all was tied down and water proof!
    Lois Warden
   We slid the canoe into the water and I steady it for Lois and Mark to board from the platform provided. The Kayaks followed into the current as Jerry and I steady the girls in their unfamiliar crafts and let them get the feel for how far they would roll. I gave Neila some encouraging words, like just think honey there's no one with you to tell what you are doing wrong. That in itself pushed her into letting go of the dock with a enthusiastic scream as she nervously slid out into the current. Sandy went next while Jerry and I followed to take care of any mishaps. And hopefully catch a few good laughs as well as photos along the way.

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