Paddling the
Jordan River

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   All in the water and headed down stream the first few miles from Graves-crossing is the toughest. Before you get adjusted your into the first turn in a hurry. "Left side dear, no no I mean, right, right" where the dominant sounds heard the first half hour. At least we made the first set of corners with out getting wet. I find that's a good start and something to build on with any trip, so far all is well in the valley.
   I did however notice this crew in the river after they dumped a ways back. I noticed something looked different the second time I caught up with them. It took a minuet but then it hit me and I tried to keep from laughing out loud. They had all loaded in the canoe backwards! With the molded seats and the lack of leg room in the front you think they would have noticed. My first clue would have been the drink holders on the opposite side.
   About an hour on the river and it began to widened out a bit seeming to take a breather and allowing us to do the same. The sky was the deepest of blues and the clarity of the water reflected the world like a mirror laid out in front of you.
   Oh ya, remember Neila, the one who was afraid to try the kayaks, that's her in the yellow dot way up in front of me.
From this point on she was hard to catch, in full control now stopping was not on her list just yet.

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